Dropship on Shopee using aliexpress- How To Sell and Make Money With Aliexpress Shopee Dropshipping
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Hi guys , I am weng honn here . So , you want dropship from aliexpress but not too sure how to set your shipping? In this video I will share the method that you can use for aliexpress dropship to your shopee store.
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Cara dropship dari aliexpress ke Shopee so anda nak buat duit dengan shopee dropshipping , tetapi tidak tahu bagaimana processnya bagaimana nak set shipping , dan juga bagaimana anda nak buat duit dengan products dropshipping ?
So , you want to dropship from aliexpress to your shopee store ,but you do not know how is the process ?how to set the shipping and also how do you make money out of it ?
In this video I will share with all of this.With supplier like aliexpress , you need to manually upload your products , it will not autosync to your shopee like savevalue2u.
So , step number 1 , for example , you want to sell this products . Very first thing that you need to do is to get this imej products first and upload to your shopee store. Simple , very easy to understand.
The things that confuse most of us is the shipping when come come to aliexpress dropshipping.
Lets look at how to set shipping for aliexpress dropshipping .
All of the free shipping or cheap shipping method in aliexpress will take long ass time to reach .
So , you need to set preorders at your add new products page and put the days plus couple of extra days for your shipping just in case it gets delayed.
So , very important , set preorder first.
Next , you only can use others for your shipping . and you need to set your shipping cost based on shipping cost that charged by aliexpress.
Next what you need to do , once you get your order?
When you get the order , for example , this is the products that you are selling , you need to buy from aliexpress , put your customer address and on remark here , you need to put something like , this is for dropshipping , do not put invoice . if not , the supplier will put the invoice in , the your cost price will be revealed .
After all this , supplier will sent the products directly to your customer.
Next when you have a sales ,your shopee store will get something like this.you will get to see something like this.
Click on ship , on this shipping options , you can choose shipping method that you use in aliexpress, if it is not there , just choose others .
And on the remark , you can put the products that client buy and date too. Or any information that can remind you about this clients and what they have bought.
What is your customer asked for tracking code?
Do not worry , after buying from aliexpress , supplier will give you tracking details like this.
You can print screen and sent it to them.
Ok , so a couple of main things that you need to know , when dropshipping from aliexpress to your shopee store.
1) set shipping to others and key in the shipping cost
2) set at preorder
3) Remark at supplier, that this order is for dropshipping .
Ok , comment below if you have any questions.
And also , If you are from Singapore , the others shipping options is not available for you .So , this way of dropshipping will not works on shopee Singapore.
Do enlight me if you are from Singapore and you know some company that can help in dropshipping in Singapore.
See ya.