Credit Card debt is an issue that affects many cardholders lives each day. Using the Credit Karma debt repayment calculator you can save hundreds maybe thousands of dollars each year. The calculator can also show you how long it would take to pay off your debt. To find out the minimum payment just enter the amount of months you expect to pay the debt off.
Mindset to Pay off Credit Cards & Debt:
Strategy and planning is an important process in building sustaining wealth and saving money. The faster you pay off your credit card the more you will save and be able to do the things you love. When you go through the process with a purpose you will feel more fulfilled and a heavy burden will be lifted off of you. We all go through so much in life, but the beauty of life is the opportunity to make everything right. Small steps and changes in habits can lead to drastically amazing outcomes. I’m currently in Debt so if you need someone to join you on the Journey then I’m here with you. Lets get rid of Credit Card & our debts together!
How to use the Credit Karma Debt Repayment Calculator:
1. Visit:
2. Enter your total balance owed: ex. $5,000
3. Enter your credit card interest rate: ex. 19.99
4. Enter your expected monthly payment amount: ex. $200 or
Enter your desired payoff time frame: ex. 36 months
5. Click Calculate
View your results so that you can see how much interest you will have to pay or how long it will take to pay off your credit card. Keep adjusting the expected monthly payment or desired payoff time frame to see what type of strategy you need to implement.
#CreditKarmaDebtCalculator, #CreditKarma, #CreditCardDebt