Credit Cards You Can Get With Bad Credit | Penfed and First Tech | My Score And Credit When I Got It

Unsecured credit cards are verry hard to get when you have a bad credit. In this video I talk about two credit cards you can get with bad credit that got. Navy Federal is a credit union that you can get a credit card with bad credit but there are others anyone can be a memeber to.

Penfen and First Tech federal credit union are the two banks anyone can be a memer to and even if you have bad credit you get credit cards. Italk about my experience with them so far and hope this can help you in your credit journey.

Credit union

Credit Union

mic i use
Swinging sticks
neon lights To enter contest.

0:00 intro
0:41 penfed gold visa/my story,score,credit report
2:54 first tech plat/my story,score,credit report
5:42 outro/contest

#penfedcreditunion #firsttechcreditunion #creditcards

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